College Glen – A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College
New York Avenue & Glenwood Road

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College
New York Avenue & Avenue H

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College
Avenue H & East 32nd Street

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College
Avenue H & East 32nd Street looking toward the Junction.

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

College Glen - A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College
The Junction © Frank H. Jump

When Vincenzo and I moved into the Flatbush Junction, I noticed the College Glen signs around the neighborhood but did not see the civilian patrol. I’ve done some Internet searches but not until recently have I found anything. Fortunately the New York Times has been diligently archiving their entire history of articles on the web. Here is a snippet that mentions this sliver of Flatbush.

PERSPECTIVES: New Condos in Flatbush; Tapping the Market in Central Brooklyn

Published: October 2, 1988

MEANWHILE, the single- and two-family home market has also picked up, aided in part by the home-loan program run by Neighborhood Housing Services. The East Flatbush office has provided below-market loans for 89 home renovations, mainly in an area east of Brooklyn College called College Glen.

”It’s very clear that in this part of the area the strategy has worked,” said Philip Gallagher, chairman of Neighborhood Housing Services of East Flatbush. ”Now there is an enormous amount of new private investment that has nothing to do with us.”

Neighborhood Housing Services is planning to seek community-development block-grant funds to expand its service area to a needier northwestern area of the district that it has named Clarendon Meadows. This is an area bounded by Clarkson Avenue on the north, Cortelyou Avenue on the south, and Brooklyn Avenue and Bedford Avenue on the east and west.

Contest: What are the boundaries of College Glen?

PS: No hairsplitting!

3 responses to “College Glen – A Flatbush Neighborhood East of Brooklyn College

  1. Pingback: » Blog Archive » Flatbush Arts!

  2. I’ve always been curious about the College Glen signs. When looking on blogs for this area like the Brooklynian it’s not listed as one of the neighborhoods they cover. I wondered what happened to the regular use of this name? I suspect it was no longer being remembered and carried down after the old timers moved out it, died or went into nursing homes the name just bit the dust, much like no one ever knowing what to call the neighborhood between Eastern Parway, Washington, Underhill and Atlantic Avenues before gentrification happened in the early 90’s. There was a time people didn’t know what to call this area now everyone knows it as Prospect Heights. Maybe some day the same will happen with College Glen.

  3. Yvette- It was the first thing I noticed when we bought our house in 98. I would refer to the neighborhood as CG and people would look at me funny (although it could have been the loud shirt). CG is basically the beginning of East Flatbush but is called the Junction by many since Flatbush and Nostrand intersect there. Brooklyn College seemed to have more of an influence on the community in the past. Best, Frank