Coleman National Business College – Newark, NJ

Coleman National Business College - Newark, NJ

Coleman National Business College - Newark, NJ
© Frank H. Jump

Check out & Satan’s Laundromat on Newark

2 responses to “Coleman National Business College – Newark, NJ

  1. Frank, you are amazing! Every time I come by there is just a massive amount of content.

    I went to school for a year in downtown Newark. Seton Hall had its teacher education program there. My sister still teaches in Newark. I remember the riots. I worked at a Fresh Air camp back then and drove a young camper home in the middle of it because one of his sibs was killed in their apartment by large caliber fire. I have been working on a poem called Nike in Newark.


  2. Thanks for keeping on coming back! I always love the comments you contribute. Newark really is a treasure-trove of old signage. Please let me know when you finish that poem. I’ll include it with one of my Newark images.

    Take care.